
Posted on Posted on June 19, 2024, 1:08 am by Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard).

Modified on Modified on June 19, 2024, 1:08 am by Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard).

Permalink Permalink/"permanent link" — Memories. (

Write about your first crush. I find this to be truly funny, it invokes so many memories. So when I was around 12 there was this chic we used to school with, her name was Benazir, she was Indian. She was the only Indian in our school. At that time, this was a very deal […]


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Posted on Posted on June 19, 2024, 1:08 am by Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard).

Modified on Modified on June 19, 2024, 1:08 am by Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard).

Permalink Permalink/"permanent link" — Memories. (

Write about your first crush. I find this to be truly funny, it invokes so many memories. So when I was around 12 there was this chic we used to school with, her name was Benazir, she was Indian. She was the only Indian in our school. At that time, this was a very deal […]


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Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive Cloud Storage Comparison (Reblog)

Posted on Posted on December 19, 2019, 11:56 am by Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard).

Modified on Modified on January 6, 2020, 1:17 am by Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard).

Permalink Permalink/"permanent link" — Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive Cloud Storage Comparison (Reblog) (

Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive Cloud Storage Image (screenshot)
Source: “Google Drive vs. Microsoft OneDrive: A point-by-point comparison.” PCWorld, 06 Jan. 2020,

“Google Drive vs. Microsoft OneDrive: A point-by-point comparison”

Source:  (the link opens in a new tab).

This PCWorld  (the link opens in a new tab) article was written by contributor Ian Paul  (the link opens in a new tab) and lists out a comparison of cloud storage points between the services Google Drive  (the link opens in a new tab) and Microsoft OneDrive  (the link opens in a new tab). Mr. Paul’s article spells out six different points during his comparison with a “winner” cloud storage system at the end of each comparison point. The six comparison points are “pricing and value” with winners of both “value” and “pure storage amount,” “search” with a “search” winner, “on-the-desktop” with a winner, “end-to-end encryption” with a winner, “added security” with a winner, and Mr. Paul then ends the article with his “conclusion” section (Paul).

Source: Paul, Ian. “Google Drive vs. Microsoft OneDrive: A point-by-point comparison.” PCWorld, 19 Dec. 2019,