Listen to and Watch “Drive” by Halsey on YouTube Music

Posted on Posted on August 1, 2021, 1:54 am by Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard).

Modified on Modified on August 1, 2021, 1:54 am by Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard).

Permalink Permalink/"permanent link" — Listen to and Watch “Drive” by Halsey on YouTube Music (

Here’s a Little Halsey, Best Dance of the 2010s, and Best Dance of 2019

Posted on Posted on December 18, 2019, 9:27 am by Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard).

Modified on Modified on December 23, 2019, 5:25 am by Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard).

Permalink Permalink/"permanent link" — Here’s a Little Halsey, Best Dance of the 2010s, and Best Dance of 2019 (

With the close of the decade upon us, I noticed while listening to Spotify recently that they have made tribute playlists for the best of songs in different categories. As I was listening to one of these, the “mint Presents… Best Dance of the 2010’s (the link opens in a new tab) playlist station by Spotify on Spotify, I remembered Halsey’s songs that I’ve liked recently that I’ve heard in 2019 and previously.

Source:  (the link opens in a new tab).

I like Halsey’s 2019 premiered “Graveyard (the link opens in a new tab).

Source:  (the link opens in a new tab).

YouTube source:  (the link opens in a new tab).

Also, her “Now or Never (the link opens in a new tab),

Source:  (the link opens in a new tab).

YouTube Source:  (the link opens in a new tab).

and “Alone (the link opens in a new tab),

Source:  (the link opens in a new tab).

YouTube Source:–PE  (the link opens in a new tab).

and “Bad at Love (the link opens in a new tab).

Source:  (the link opens in a new tab).

YouTube Source:  (the link opens in a new tab).

“Bad at Love,” “Now or Never,” and “Alone” by Halsey are all tracks that are off of the album “hopeless fountain kingdom (Deluxe) (the link opens in a new tab).

Source:  (the link opens in a new tab).

There’s also a “hopeless fountain kingdom” playlist of videos on Youtube  (the link opens in a new tab).

Halsey can also be found on her YouTube Halsey station at  (the link opens in a new tab). And, here’s Halsey’s Official Vevo channel at  (the link opens in a new tab).

Closing up the year 2019, here’s the Spotify playlist for “mint Presents …  Best Dance of 2019 (the link opens in a new tab).

Source:  (the link opens in a new tab).