Vampires: The Darkside Has A New Home for Help Desk, Tickets, and Community Support

Posted on Posted on October 23, 2023, 4:29 pm by Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard).

Modified on Modified on October 23, 2023, 4:44 pm by Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard).

Permalink Permalink/"permanent link" — Vampires: The Darkside Has A New Home for Help Desk, Tickets, and Community Support (

Vampires: The Darkside Has A New Home for Help Desk, Tickets, and their Community Support

Source: (20+) ? CSD TRANSITION ANNOUNCEMENT As of OCT… – Vampires: The Darkside | Facebook (the link opens in a new tab)

Synopsis (off the @Vampires: The Darkside [ | the link opens in a new tab] Facebook Post announcement ((20+) ? CSD TRANSITION ANNOUNCEMENT As of OCT… – Vampires: The Darkside | Facebook | the link opens in a new tab), as of 4:30 p.m. on Friday, October the 20th, 2023) is as,


As of OCT 22, 2023 our partnership with Zendesk will come to an end. We have now partnered with [THE LINK OPENS IN A NEW TAB] and will be making it our new home.

This process has resulted in consolidating all of our CSDs for every game to just one helpdesk. This new *Kwaai Games* helpdesk will now serve you regardless of your game or platform!


As of this writing we will no longer be using Zendesk to host our CSD. Please refrain from submitting new ticket requests to the current Zendesk CSD. Instead, you’re welcome to use our new Freshdesk CSD. See the bottom of this announcement for direct links!

We will be redirecting all ingame support links to the new helpdesk in the very near future. Note that there may be archived articles, or areas we have missed by the 22nd of October. If this is the case, using those links will bring you to a “help Center Closed” page sponsored by Zendesk… though we do hope to have all current links solved as soon as possible.


Your histories with our support desk are important to us. As you read, we are already migrating your ticket histories to their new home!

• For Vampires Dark Rising, this was successful and we have been assured that your VDR login information has been carried over. However if this is not the case, please create a new account and our agents will be able to connect you to your ticket histories.

• Migration for Vampires: The Darkside is currently underway. We have experienced some errors during our first attempts, however we are now working closely with Freshdesk representatives to aid us in smoothing the transition. We are expecting that your ticket histories will be available when the migration is complete.


• Migrations for the VDR Knowledge Base has been completed, however… it’s a bloody mess. While this is true, the information is all there. Please be patient with us as we work to get it organized.

• We are expecting the VDS Knowledge Base to import the same. So when the information is finally there, please hang tight as we organize. There are a lot of articles to sift through!


CSD HOME: Kwaai Games Community Support on Freshdesk (THE LINK OPENS IN A NEW TAB)


[|(20+) ? CSD TRANSITION ANNOUNCEMENT As of OCT… – Vampires: The Darkside | Facebook | the link opens in a new tab | (20+) ? CSD TRANSITION ANNOUNCEMENT As of OCT… – Vampires: The Darkside | Facebook | |]

Daily Incense Adventure — Friday, 10-20-2023

Posted on Posted on October 20, 2023, 8:00 am by Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard).

Modified on Modified on October 20, 2023, 8:00 am by Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard).

Permalink Permalink/"permanent link" — Daily Incense Adventure — Friday, 10-20-2023 (

Daily Adventure Incense catches