A Two-way (or more) Fork in the Paths Between Reading For Pleasure — for its own sake — or to Read For Future Educational/Career Geared Literature

Posted on Posted on July 24, 2021, 6:14 am by Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard).

Modified on Modified on July 24, 2021, 6:14 am by Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard).

Permalink Permalink/"permanent link" — A Two-way (or more) Fork in the Paths Between Reading For Pleasure — for its own sake — or to Read For Future Educational/Career Geared Literature (https://kylecblanchard.link/kylecblanchard/2021/07/24/uncategorized/a-two-way-or-more-fork-in-the-paths-between-reading-for-pleasure-for-its-own-sake-or-to-read-for-future-educational-career-geared-literature/)

I am just throwing this here.
This paperback literature “Exploring Masculinities: Identity, Inequality, Continuity, and Change” (ISBN 978-0-19-931567-3 — Oxford University Press: http://www.oup.com) by C. J. Pascoe and Tristan Bridges is one I failed to read in #undergraduate work. However, the book was assigned material. Therefore, I have my own copy (along with a decent amount of additional literature — some of which I have read the required passages that were assigned and some I have not read any due to me dropping the course).
Has anyone finished this book pictured and would like to comment how they found it to be?
I ask that to say that I am debating to start reading again, though I am not enrolled in any coursework. I am stuck before a two-way (or more) fork in the paths between reading for pleasure for its own sake during this time after my BIS in 2019; or to read worthwhile material that would be “under my belt” (if that’s an expression) should I be afforded a future opportunity to start graduate studies/work.
Thanks in advance!